Garage renovation
The Challenge
The sagging roof caused be removed bracing over the years made it look like a sway-back horse. A chiropractic adjustment and some serious support were needed. Keeping with the historic look and feel of the garage was important. There were barn doors on the existing garage.
The Idea
The client had his home remodeled several years prior but his garage looked nothing like his home. He wanted to have power for an EV and the ceiling of this original garage had been altered and was sagging
The Solution
We came up with a simple structural alternative using ridge beams and interim beams to shore it up then hold downs to keep the roof connected.
The Details
Siding was removed and stucco was added. A beautiful modern garage door was added. The person door and windows were replaced., and EV charging station was added. The structure was insulated and drywalled so it could be heated if desired.