August 19th 2015

Boise Goes Green
Boise has just adopted the 2012 International Green Construction Code which is an amazing step forward in the world of sustainable construction. Recognizing that Boise wants to be a leader in sustainable building practices, Mayor David Bieter took a giant step forward. Sadly it is not for residential remodeling yet only commercial but that is going to change some day. I fight the good fight every year.
Levco does deconstruction
We, at Levco wholeheartedly agree with his position and have been pounding this same drum for years. Our partnership with The Reuse People of America and Second Chance will likely catapult Levco to the forefront of this amazing program. Here is a link to the Boise City Ordinance . Call for more details and how we night help you achieve your green building needs. 947-7261