I inadvertently stepped barefooted onto a proverbial Lego from Hell the other day.
How could this have happened? I had the lights on, the area looked clear and I proceed to change out my furnace filter without fear or caution. After successfully completing my task I turned around to walk out of the room and Bam it happened. How could I have been so unobservant? Who could have left the sharp crystal like stone out in the open disguised by harmonizing colors?
My cat like reflexes instinctively hopped to what I thought was a safe place without looking and landed on another one twisting my ankle. The pain was immediate and intense; I couldn’t tell initially if it hurt worse on the arch of my foot or my ankle. I blurted out something like (Golly, I wish I hadn’t done that). Surveyed the damage slowly and paused to reflected on what just happened.
I did a system check on my body. Rage filled me instantly, but I could still bare weight so I tempered my anger and turned my thoughts inward.
Oy, what have I done?
Soon the ankle became numb and the arch of my foot although tender was a dull manageable ache. Perhaps, I thought, if I ignore the mild discomfort and tough it out there would be no further ramifications. Could I be so lucky? A good night’s sleep should have put the unfortunate learning experience behind me. I didn’t even bring it up in conversation with my wife. If it were only that easy. The following morning, I could not stand the sharp pain emanating from deep in my foot prohibited me from bearing any weight.
As I crawled around the house trying to get ready for the day I could not believe how intense it was. I reached out to my wife who although apologetic was not impressed because the outward signs were minimal. Was I being a wimp? Staying at home and resting was not an option, I would just have to deal with it. She wrapped it in an elastic bandage and helped me into a tall boot then medicated me with the max dose of Ibuprofen.
I was so rattled, the dog nearly knocked me over in the backyard and I had trouble starting my car. As I elevated and iced at the office, I realized how I take being pain free as I ambulate for granted when it is such a gift. My mind raced to how I was going to be able to do my normal routine. If this God awful intense pain persists I can’t! All the while having hope and faith that it was just a sprain knowing that my body has the remarkable ability to heal itself. (With a little help from medications).
Slowly but surely the pain subsided, then it left altogether by mid-afternoon.
The experience was transformational.
- First and foremost, I am thankful and grateful that I am fine now.
- I need to be more aware of my surroundings and the likelihood of lurking danger.
- I took for granted that my body has a normal resting state of being pain free and ready for anything that life throws at me.
- Ignoring pain is one way to handle problems however an ounce of first aid would have likely resulted in not having to have experienced severe pain.
- Lastly, once I began treating (taking care of) myself appropriately, the pain and immobility quickly subsided.
Empathy and compassion are terms that I wear well, however having a little pain myself every once in a while is not such a bad thing. I consider myself lucky to have had this experience. Not that I wish it on anyone but it wouldn’t hurt (Ha Ha) to get a little on ya.
There are little obstacles all around us and occasionally we get tripped up suffer the consequences. As we move on and heal, we learn from our mistakes and misfortunes. We cannot possibly understand what others are going through, so let’s be spring loaded to be nice to one another. Having compassion, empathy, and forgiveness is a gift we can offer each other.
Peace, Love, and Harmony. Joe