The problem is apparent. There have been no viable tests for lead-based paint for contractors since October 2023, when we all got the Email from the EPA on November 2nd, 2023. In it, they calmly said 3M is no longer making Lead Test Swabs, and nothing has changed regarding the RRP program.
What The Heck Happened
I tried to get ahold of 3M multiple times. The one time, I snuck through the firewall of operators and answering machines, and someone said that the marketing department told him to say “supply chain issues.” How do you unpack that? The line went dead, and that was that. Emails were left unanswered, and a hush fell over the land.
Contractors Left Holding the Bag
I’m a Registered Contractor with the state of Idaho and an NARI member sworn to follow the law of the land. I am also an advocate for my industry. How the hell am I supposed to do my job? What are contractors across the country supposed to do? This is a huge burden to our clients who need remodeling services on their pre-1978 homes. If their homes are all lead, then we are obligated to use Lead-Safe Work Practices on all projects. Oh, Hell No.
What are the Viable Options Today?
- Contact a company that does XRF testing. Not available to everyone.
- Send samples off to an NLLAP-certified lab. I have done this in the past and it is a reasonable option if:
- You have a good sampling technique
- You can document the chain of custody.
- You have time.
- Your client doesn’t mind a 1″ square paint sample from their painted surfaces.
- Use the D-Lead kit. This is not my favorite after having used the kit several times.
- Have the client do their demolition. Start the project after they are all cleaned up. (Terrible option IMHO).
The Reality
Remodeling customers and Remodelers of Pre-978 homes are in a serious pickle. The rules are clear, but the tools are lacking. Although the threat of fines is large and real, the publicity around criminal or civil actions is mute. Enforcement is weak or non-existent. The risk is high and so is the frustration. A friend in South Carolina just had an audit done and he thankfully was a good record keeper and had some systems in place to document the projects he had done for the past 3 years. A contractor in California is using hopium that they are flying under the radar.
What Is The Solution
Since I received the email from the EPA, I have been struggling to fill the void for contractors. My initial thoughts were to create a miniature, affordable XRF. That fell flat when the EPA said it was too dangerous and would not be allowed for general use without additional training and certifications. Then I looked at other instruments that could identify lead due to the metal’s unique properties and reaction to different stimuli, i.e., electricity, sound waves, etc. No company I contacted was interested unless it was already commercially available technology.
Stuck pondering my next move, I stumbled upon Lumatellix, a company created after a scientist discovered a chemical reaction that made lead fluoresce under UV light.
The Solution Is A Solution

RIP Carter
An international friendship was created and the Lumatellix team embraced my concerns. I have since reestablished Lead Locators. The Lead Testing company shut down when a partner, Carter Duke, died in a tragic accident several years ago. I was asked to be the US distributor of their product, and they have supported me in getting EPA recognition for a substitute for contractors that works. The latest news is that the lead testing product might be approved for clean verification. That would be amazing!
Your comments are welcome. To ask questions or get more information about remodeling, click here to email me directly, or call 208-947-7261
If you or someone you know is considering remodeling or just wants to speak to a trustworthy remodeling contractor, please contact me. You’ll be glad you did.
I haven’t seen this on LeadNet yet. Is the company planning on outreaching to that group?
Gary I have started my company lead locators up again and we are just getting verified by google. A painful process. I will add you to the blog. I have a gal in Boston that is a LeadNet person she watches it all the time and sends me tidbits to react to. That is why I wrote about the Milwaukee schools. I suppose I should pop myself up on the forum. Lucas in the Netherlands watches it too. I have been reaching out to contributors off line too. The product I sell is Lumetallix I would be happy to get you a sample. Let me know. Thanks for the support! Joe