Framing Tune Up

Framing Tune Up

Reading Time: 2 minutesFraming in an older home is challenging to say the least. We study the existing conditions and make a plan of action based upon the new codes and structural knowledge of the materials that are available to us now. New metal connectors and straps...

Lead Testing

Reading Time: 2 minutesLead paint was located by pre-testing and during the demolition phase much of the stucco that had lead paint on it required removal. This was our first experience with stucco removal in a lead safe way. To accomplish this task we initially...

Water Leak Repairs

Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe Challenge: We often encounter water damage problems that require immediate action. Some are acute and others are chronic. This one was acute caused by a braided steel  flex line from the water between two bathrooms that springing a leak....