Since I was a young boy, I can remember the intoxicating smell of lilacs in my grandparents' back yard. Grandpa would cultivate the plants in the sandy soil of the Sunset District of San Francisco and Grandma would always say that lilacs were her favorite flowers. Her...
To Be Of Use
I received this beautiful poem written by Marge Piercy and read by Mr George Rose of Willard Junior High School in Berkeley California, some time in early May 2012. To be of use by Marge Piercy The people I love the best jump into work head first without dallying in...
Where Have All The Painters Gone?
A wise painter, Wayne Mayo once told me, " My job, as a painter, is to make YOUR work look great!" This "Mayo Credo" is so true that I can't emphasize it enough. Any painter that thinks otherwise is in the wrong business. I refuse to let a homeowner give me anything...
Remind Me Again Why You Enjoy Remodeling
At a recent client visit, I was sharing a glass of wine and rehashing the project when I was asked a direct question that had my clients wondering: why I do like to remodel? The implication was that it is extremely difficult and challenging. They figured that there...
How Do You Pass Your Enthusiasm on to Your Staff?
During a recent visit with a potential client they were clearly interviewing me when they asked this excellent question. They appreciated my attitude and eagerness to get the work. "How do you pass your enthusiasm on to your staff?" Wow, I had to stop and think....
I’m Just Looking For The Pony
As promised in an earlier BLOG about building a cathedral, I am sharing another insight into who I am, and what I am all about. As a glass is half full kind of guy, I often blurt, "There has got to be a pony in here somewhere" Here I lose people, because this fable is...