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The Power of Positive Thinking

I recently read an article in INC. magazine that I liked very much. It explained that not everyone is an optimist, and just wanting to be one is not enough to create a convert. It acknowledged that not everyone is wired that way. Those with a pessimistic attitude are...

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Giving Thanks

The annual ritual of our nation collectively giving thanks for a day is a wonderful exercise and worthwhile investment. I have a tremendous number of reasons to be thankful. Rather than listing mine, I encourage each of you to dwell on your own for the day. I realize...

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Guaranteed For Life? Not So Fast

I recently had a dubious experience at a retail outlet. As everyone who knows me will attest, you can rest assured good story will result. Here is my tale of woe. I use my tools often, and take good care of them because I have respect for what they can do. I suppose...

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How Smells Have Rekindled a Memory

Since I was a young boy, I can remember the intoxicating smell of lilacs in my grandparents' back yard. Grandpa would cultivate the plants in the sandy soil of the Sunset District of San Francisco and Grandma would always say that lilacs were her favorite flowers. Her...

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