Jesiah at the skill saw
It may come to pass after all. In an effort to elevate the profession of Remodeling I am taking an active roll in asking my fellow contractors to join the movement to implement contractor licensing for the State of Idaho.
Not able to qualify in an adjoining state? No problem move to Idaho, it’s the wild west here. Regulations are virtually meaningless and you only need to show some insurance and have $35 bucks to be a contractor. The bar is about as low as it can be.
The Movement
In a great recent article The author points out the problem and potential solution to get the ball rolling. Our citizens and clients deserve this and it will raise the knowledge of the industry because it also requires continuing education, something that is near and dear to my heart. When the political dusts settles, despite our Libertarian slant in the state, I believe that now is the time for Contractor Licensing. Will 2019 be the year?
I am a board member of the PBCLRB Professional contractors association not the BCA
You said “will 1019 be the year for contractors licensing ?
Nice catch, I corrected the number and no, 2019 was not the year for contractor licensing in Idaho. It is still a bone of contention because we live in a libertarian state. Government intervention is not part of what Idahoans want. This fact does not dissuade me and others from pushing and arguing the virtues of raising the bar. In my mind it is a consumer protection issue as much as it is a legitimizing my profession thing. We just celebrated 100 years of woman’s suffrage. Idaho was the 4th state of the union to do it. Progress takes time and effort. I have plenty of both. Cheers