Levco’s Earth Day 2015 Update

by | Apr 22, 2014 | Levco Green Remodeling, News | 0 comments

Reading Time: 2 minutes
earth day 2015

earth day 2015

Every April 22nd we celebrate Earth Day, This is set aside to remember or continue to do something nice for mother earth. This year we are starting our garden.

The RRP Rule 2015

Lead Safe Firm

Lead Safe Firm

Back in 2010 the EPA established federal guidelines for dealing with Lead Based Paint. It chimes in with the outlawing of Lead Based Paint manufacturing which went into effect in December of 1977. This is the rule that designates all homes built before 1978 as completely leaded until proven otherwise.

Boise’s building department is still allowing the EPA to enforce their own rules because we Idahoans don’t want the government interfering with our lives. Other than the federal mandate there is no local oversight or requirement to participate. Now that reports of huge fines are starting to seep out into the media, remodelers are starting to come out of the woodwork to have testing done.

Others choose to live in denial and would rather wait to get caught red handed then plea ignorance of the law. Those of you that are still holding your breath hoping that the EPA will go away should probably take a breath.

Levco is continuing to be involved

I have been doing my due diligence and testing all of our pre-1978 homes, we have been following RRP rules as part of our process.

I recertified in RRP for the first time (must be done every 5 years)

Levco is participating regularly

  • We are recycling and repurposing at every opportunity.
  • We deconstructed a land tract for neighborhood housing to prepare for a new subdivision. In doing so we kept 75% of the nearly 500 tons of debris out of the landfill.
  • We will be decommissioning a large home in Sun Valley Idaho soon, assisting others in doing the right thing for the environment.
  • We have planted a berm of flowering plants and three large shrubs at our shop and are encouraging folks to leave the earth uncovered as much as possible so it can breath.
  • We also created a raised garden spot for everyone to share in the joy of vegetable gardening. (It seemed a natural for being in Garden City)

Every so often we are asked to assist with a Lead Based Paint demolition project to give advice or assist.

My hat is off to Gail & Carter Duke of Lead Locators LLC who have consistently helped folks learn and understand the prevalence, as well as the health and safety risks associated with lead based paint through testing and reports that clearly state the location of lead based paint.

Disclaimer: Some of these images came from the WEB. If they are yours, and you object to them being used, please claim them and I will gladly remove and replace them at once.

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