Idaho Power Propaganda
Idaho Power sends out additional slips of paper with your utility bill monthly (for those of us that still receive bills in the mail). I usually just chuck them in the trash or on rare occasions glance at them. This month they were interesting, ( perhaps they all are?) here they are in case you missed them this month. Much of it is propaganda, but there are some interesting things to know and learn about plus a recipe that looks pretty good. The back side was also interesting but I didn’t have room to share it.
Just in case you threw yours out here you go.

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I also found this incentive deal tucked into my bill for purchasing Energy star rated appliances.
Good morning, Joe! This is Kevin writing from Idaho Power. I just found this page and I’m glad to hear you got some value out of this month’s Customer Connection and the bill inserts. I know it’s easy to toss these aside, but we do try and only include things we think will interest our customers or, as you pointed out, opportunities to save with our programs and incentives. Thanks again for posting this! –Kevin / Idaho Power
Kevin, I can tell that lots of effort is being put into this publication. I also applaud your work of educating and encouraging us to use power wisely. Getting the message out about positive things is not easy in difficult times, so anything we can do together is a worthwhile endeavor. Thanks for noticing my BLOG!
Hi Joe, thanks again for the nice words re: Customer Connection. I passed your comments on to the team that produces it and they were really, really happy to hear it. You’re right – it’s important to focus on the good things going on today. Your blog seems to be doing it’s part! I’ll check back often. Have a great Thanksgiving! –Kevin/Idaho Power