Installing the roof
Levco spearheaded a charitable donation through the NARI (National Association of the Remodeling Industry) At the request of Wish Granters a request was put in to provide and install a new roof. The recipient was a terminally ill fellow who felt he wanted to leave a solid roof over his family’s head.
Through the gracious participation of the local NARI Contractors Who Care program, donations were raised and charitable contributions came in.
“These little miracles don’t just happen on their own”, said Doug Raper, Executive Director of Wish Granters. We were gifted materials from a roofing manufacturer, and delivery by a local roofing supply house. Our roofer “comped” most of the project and with a little lucky break in the weather and an interview on Channel 6 KIVI we were able to install a roof in a day.
The recipient had grown up in the area, joined the military and came back to Idaho when he completed his military service. He was a farmer as a young adult, and worked on ranches until he got hired by the JR Simplot Company. “They were a good employer, and I worked hard for them all these years”, He said. His family is close and he beams with pride over the photo of the gang gathered around him and his wife.
With tears of joy and hugs all around, I feel like we all did a good days work. In granting this memorable, yet simple wish, we allowed a man to rest easy and focus on caring for his wife and family now, and long after his days are over.
My inspiration
As you know, my impetus for being involved with these projects is a direct reflection on my love for mankind. Besides doing something meaningful for someone, this is the best way I have found to keep the memory of deceased loved ones alive.
This one was for Kevin Grant
Though I did not know him well, Kevin served alongside me on the board of Wish Granters. He recently passed away and would have been proud of me for completing this wish. He was a strong, giving individual, with a heart of gold. May his memory be and inspiration for others to give back and be compassionate and strong during difficult times. His was truly a life well lived. Rest in peace brother.