What Was the Highlight of Your Week?

by | Jun 29, 2013 | Memoirs | 0 comments

Reading Time: 3 minutes
Paul Tillotson

Paul Tillotson

In a not so perfect world where it is easy to get bogged down in what is going wrong, I find it refreshing to dwell on what was our goal for years at Flying Pie. “To make their visit the highlight of their week!” I started to keep track and dwell upon what was the highlight of my week.

I was pretty sure that this week couldn’t be topped Wednesday night when Paul Tillotson played the St. Louis Blues at Lock Stock and Barrel for a 95 year old man that had been bugging him for 5 years to do it finally did. I got to see that man pull himself up from his chair with a cane and dance. The roar from the crowd along with the subsequent group dancing had it hands down. It could have been the porter talking or the good friends I was hanging with but the odds of it being beat were slim and none.

Then it got trumped.

As many of you know I am a long time paramedic. I just spent my morning providing medical assistance to the Idaho Special Olympics. In a nut shell I was able to support and witness some of the most courageous and inspirational people participating in sporting events that I have ever known.

Ghost BustersI encourage everyone to come cheer these folks along. Other than some minor battle wound, overheating, a bee sting and one ambulance response we were able to keep the athletes firing on all four with the help of some very observant and involved coaches.

Hydration and sun screen were the words of the day. After my events were completed I had the opportunity to visit the indoor basketball games. Jeff Weese, the medical events coordinator said listen to this and he walked over the the red team during halftime. “Who ya going to call”? Ghost Busters! erupted from the team, the opposing team, and the crowd too.

Special Olympics 2013

Special Olympics 2013

Turns out the Ghost Busters is a large team with quite a fan base.

What made this morning the highlight of my week was that I got to see sport played for the sake of sport, I got to see opposing teams high fiving their opponents when a good shot was made. I got to see a blind girl helped by a sighted player running up and down the basketball court then take a shot. I got to see humanity and humility in action. That is when it hit me.

I got to see!

In my mind there is no challenge physical or otherwise that I can not set my mind to and accomplish after witnessing what these special folks bring to the track and court.

To all of the competitors, their coaches, family members and various support staff and volunteers. Thank you for setting an example for us all and for making this the absolute highlight of my week.


Disclaimer: Some of these images came from the WEB. If they are yours, and you object to them being used, please claim them and I will gladly remove and replace them at once.

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