You Need A New Roof – Seriously !

by | Mar 3, 2014 | News, Pay it Forward | 0 comments

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Contractors Who Care

As a member of a professional remodeling organization called NARI, there are occasionally calls that come in for help. We have traditionally worked with the community to do all sorts of great projects through our Contractors Who Care volunteer program.

Lately the ones that I am drawn to are coming from a company called Wish Granters that pre-qualifies folks that are truly worthy of our kindness. This is just one of the cool perks of being a member.

When Wish Granters contacted our local NARI chapter to ask for help again recently, I immediately felt an urge to help out. It is not every day that you get a letter from your insurance company telling you that you need to install a new roof or we will drop your homeowner’s coverage.

Turns out this letter could not have come at a worse time for Gladis and her daughter. They are both battling cancer and spending every last cent and waking moment dealing with their vicious disease. With the blessings of our local NARI chapter, I spearheaded our efforts.

I take these things personally

The House

The House

I visited the home to verify that roof was really in need of replacement and visited the folks that made the request. In my brief visit I made a promise to Gladis that her roof would be replaced, one way or another.

We got the word out to a vast network of contacts, and before we knew it, we had dozens of organizations and local companies offering everything from materials and food to refreshments and manpower. As the generous donations and offers for help were piling up, we got stuck on getting the actual roofing materials donated. Our big break came when a local roofing distributor who was also moved by this story, asked for, and received the last and most expensive part.

I got to make the call

“Gladys, this is Joe Levitch… remember when I told you we were going to replace your roof one way or another? Well I just learned that we got everything in place that we need to make this project happen!”

Overjoyed, she said, “I’m sorry Joe, but I need to hang up now so I can text my daughter who is going to be coming out of surgery in a few minutes…She will be so happy, we can’t thank everyone enough. Bless you all.”

The roof is stocked

The roof is stocked

Let’s face it folks, we are all connected. I believe that there is no higher calling than to help your neighbor, it is part of who I am. I think it goes back to how we are able survive as a species. Doing good deeds speaks to my core values. What we are doing is in simple terms is called a good deed or Mitzvah מִצְוָה in Hebrew. I have named my team The Mitzvah Makers.

I will need a hand one day

There is no doubt that you and I will need a hand one day. While I have the strength and ability to do so, I will lead the way to help others.

I fancy myself as a bit of a street preacher, modeled after my dear friend and former coworker, Steve Boyenger who quit his dream job at Life Flight so many years ago to go back to Ada County Paramedics because he wasn’t getting the volume of patient contact that he needed to fill him up. Compassion and empathy for the frail human condition drives folks like us to do random acts of kindness whenever able.

Inspired yet?

The Roofing Crew

The Roofing Crew

If I have touched a chord in you, please join me and lend a hand. Come give until your cup runneth over. Experience what that feels like for yourself, because I find it impossible to put that kind of joy into words.

You don’t need to know the first thing about roofing, we had a barbeque and social gathering at the same time. Wear your work clothes and bring an appetite.

All sorts of folks came out for a few hours together to celebrate what paying it forward is all about.


As many of you are aware my pay-it-forward program also keeps the memory of those alive who have passed before me. I dedicate my effort to a cool nurse named “Mac” who taught me so much during my hospital rotations early in my paramedic career.

Your comments are welcome. To ask questions or get more information about remodeling, click here to email me directly, or call 208-947-7261

Disclaimer: Some of these images came from the WEB. If they are yours, and you object to them being used, please claim them and I will gladly remove and replace them at once.

Disclaimer: Some of these images came from the WEB. If they are yours, and you object to them being used, please claim them and I will gladly remove and replace them at once.

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