Blog Archives


Day of Gratitude 9-21 Every Year

I participated in a celebration of life and beating the odds with Paul Tillotson. When faced with information that caps your life expectancy, you have two options, give in, or fight. It provided new meaning to the word deadline. Two years past the ominous date is...

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Residential Remodeling Unmasked

The Boise School District is offering a Residential Remodeling Class again as part of their adult education program next week. I encourage those interested in learning more about the industry are welcome to attend. I will provide a presentation to get the juices...

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Levco Turned 16 Years Old

Another year has come and gone. on 5-5-21 Levco turned Sweet 16. What this means in terms of experience, we have other 30ish projects under our collective belts, "Success comes from good judgment. Good judgment comes from experience, Experience comes from bad...

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Levco Turns 15 Years Old

Dateline Boise Idaho 5-5-2020 Levco turned 15 years old in a COVID shrouded small private ceremony. As a good friend said, "most overnight successes take 20 years". I remember I waited until the 5th to be sure it was a date I could remember 5-5-05. It was a Thursday...

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Food, Clothing, and Shelter

Food, Clothing, and Shelter are humanity's three most basic needs. Levco is all about improving shelter primarily of homes in the North End of Boise. Levco has been a staple of this special area for the past 15 years. As a compassionate person, I belong to Rotary, a...

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Levitch Earns Master Certified Remodeler

Dateline Boise Idaho: 4-15-2020 Joe Levitch has earned his MCR (Master Certified Remodeler) through the National Association of the Remodeling Industry. This was achieved by: Being a Certified Remodeler for 10 years. Maintaining his containing education. Remaining...

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Latest Projects

Whole House Remodel

Whole House Remodel

Whole House RemodelThe Challenge Our client bought the 1014 SF original 1979 ranch-style home next to her son. Her goal was to update and modernize the home to how we live today.The Idea To completely remodel and update the home with a new floorplan.The Solution Levco...

Wake Boat- RV Bay Addition

Wake Boat- RV Bay Addition

Wake Boat- RV Bay AdditionThe Challenge The Owner had a 3 car garage but the 3rd car bay was too small for his new wake boat. There was room to make it larger.The Idea Expand the garage to the setback to add 10′ and make it taller and much deeper. Sacrificing a window...

Large RV Garage From Scratch

Large RV Garage From Scratch

Large RV Garage From ScratchThe Challenge The Owner had drawings of a large RV garage to be added to a 2 car garage where a shed was. The new project was woven into an existing garage roofline to make it appear that it had always been there.The Idea Eliminate the shed...

Classy Garage Update

Classy Garage Update

Classy Garage ModificationThe Challenge The Owner had a 2 door garage with a central post in between doors that was obstructive. He had to move his car out to allow the golf cart in and out.The Idea Use a large header to replace the two previous ones and get a large...