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Remodeled home tour afterglow

We had a great NARI remodeled home tour 2017. A huge thanks you to Lynn Stein for helping at the event, and for the Taylor family who graciously allowed us to show the amazing kitchen addition we created with them. I also want to give a shout out to Joe Prin and the...

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Idaho power offers whole house fan rebate

Idaho Power gets it. Whole House fans work! Levco has long been a supporter of the whole house fan movement in Idaho because they help to cool the home without refrigerant. The concept is that they pressurize the attic and blow out the hot cap on your home with...

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Levco turns 12 years old

In an amazing feat of stamina longevity and guts, Levco turned 12 years old on 5-5-2017. This fledgling company has defied the odds and overcome diversity and beaten the national average according to this article Construction has the worst track record in the spectrum...

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Remodelers Advantage group visits Atlanta

Reading Time: < 1 minuteMy Remodelers Advantage EOS group gathered in Atlanta Georgia recently of our semi annual meeting. What a great time. RA in my mind is short for a drinking club with a remodeling…

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The new Cost Vs Value Report 2017 is here

This is the 30th year of Remodeling Magazine consistently publishing a great tool to determine what the value of doing remodeling projects in our area. The ROI is an educated guess at what you would be able to recoup if you were able to sell it within the year it was...

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What the new year 2017 holds for Levco

As we enter our 12th year in May, we are headed towards what we hope will be our best year yet. 2016 is finally behind us and we have closed the door on it. Now we are welcoming the New Year with some added value to our clients and process improvement across the...

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Handsome Master Bathroom Remodel

Handsome Master Bathroom Remodel

Project Name The Challenge The master bathroom had the original charm but was outdated. It had wallpaper and a bathtub. The flooring was vinyl and the cabinets were white. The Idea To eliminate the tub, move the toilet over to get a larger mud set tile shower. To...

Master Bath With Half Walls

Master Bath With Half Walls

Master Bath With Half WallsThe Challenge The master bathroom was built with a faulty design that allowed water to seep under the glass blocks and ruined the floor. The problem was identified when a tile popped up one day. Fortunately the leak did not go down into the...

Bathroom Out of a Laundry Room

Bathroom Out of a Laundry Room

Bathroom Out of a Laundry RoomThe Challenge This home had a laundry room that was slab on grade because this room was once part of a garage. The home only had one bathroom that was inadequate for the family. The laundry room was small, and it did not appear to be wide...

Bathroom addition

Bathroom addition

Spec Home Bathroom UpdateThe Challenge The bathroom had been created in a spec home with builder grade fiberglass shower, basic fixtures and a carpeted floor. The shower was too small and there was not enough storage at the master sink. The soaker tub had tile around...