I was recently involved in a couple of situations that ultimately had a happy ending, but it started from a place of confusion and distrust. It turns out that giving and getting thanks happens organically when the stakes are high and emotion runs wild.

Where the rubber meets the road
Where The Rubber Meets the Road
There is plenty of bluster about what a warranty means and how it is handled or not in the remodeling world. We care about this stuff more than you could know.
The Call and Response
“Hi, this is Mitch remember me? You guys remodeled my garage over a year ago. I need the date so I can prove to the garage door company that they did the work. My garage door operator failed” I was there at the house within 10 minutes to figure out what had happened. Mitch was astonished. I was able to reassure him that the garage door operator would be fixed pronto. I felt terrible and embarrassed that he was questioned about the validity of his claim by the girl that answered the phone at the garage door company.
We Want To Know
I often say “we want to be the first to know of anything that goes wrong long after we are done remodeling.” It is clear to me that it is in my best interest to show that I care. I have many instances of legendary service to brag about but none of it would be possible without that connection.
Once the dust settled, I was easily able to get the problem fixed the following day. Mitch was blown away and wrote this note to show his appreciation. I will move heaven and earth to make sure my clients are well cared for and appreciated long after the fact. This is just another example of what makes Levco stand out in a crowded field. I have no idea how other companies handle this sort of thing but it comes naturally from us because we love our clients.
“Oh I See Where This Is Going”
In another instance someone who bought a home we remodeled called to complain about the plumbing. He said things were not done correctly at the kitchen sink and that he had to call a plumber and it was going to need to be fixed. I calmly said I would look into it and that this was an inspected permitted job and that we would fix whatever was needed. After calling the plumber who did the work and getting his assurance that he would do whatever was necessary, I called the plumbing company he used to fix the clog a few days before.
There Was a Chicken Bone in The Line
I learned that Cloverdale Plumbing found a chicken bone obstruction and cleared it and everything was flowing correctly. I simply called back the new homeowner and told him that there was no issue and that he needed to keep chicken bones out of the plumbing. “Oh I see where this is going,” he said. Rather than being appreciative of my speedy response and willingness to take action, he became perturbed and assumed that I was trying to shirk my responsibility. “Sir, I assure you, nothing could be further from the truth”. The words stung, I believe I understand what people are typically up against. The takeaway is that this is not your typical remodeling company. And I see where this is going too. Straight into the legendary service file.
At this time of year, I find it refreshing to reflect on how much we care. It sets the tone for the year in review as well as the theme for the coming year. Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Your comments are welcome. To ask questions or get more information about remodeling, click here to email me directly, or call 208-947-7261
If you or someone you know is considering remodeling or just wants to speak to a trustworthy remodeling contractor, please contact me. You’ll be glad you did.