Commodore 64
Flashing back to my early years at Flying Pie Pizza I recall using a Commodore 64 computer to compile the first list of Flying Pie Customers when it became obvious that we had a large number of regulars we wanted to treat like family.
I also remember back when a good friend taught me how to text. (Not that long ago) and how I thought email was evil. I recall thinking to myself that I would resist the temptation to learn. That did not go as planned.
Flash forward a decade
- Mobile phones have miniaturized into a computer in my pocket
- Emails seem like an essential part of my business life.
- News is at my fingertips
- Research can be done on any subject in a heartbeat.
I recently got the opportunity to participate in a technology free escape. Not the goal but a side effect of the trip I took to a fairly remote place in Alaska.
Believe it or not, there are still parts of the world that are not connected.
Being connected is essential to my business existence. I discovered that it is safe to do and surprisingly refreshing. Although it has permeated almost every aspect of my life. Breaking free is a not as easy as I thought it would be. In fact, I regret that in the few moments of free time I had, I sneaked a peak at emails and made a few (non business related) calls. OK I lied, one business related call. Next time I leave the laptop behind too.

I landed a king Salmon (that was no ones pet)
What I discovered is that concentrating is an art form that I have only mastered in spurts. Being distracted is a never-ending thing that I deal with. Living in a body with a mind that is entrepreneurial is exhausting at times. In this case, I found separating myself from my technology was refreshing and vital to connecting to my surroundings. And most importantly the family I was having fun with building memories.
One wise fellow I follow even suggested that his garage floor was a switch that when he steps out of his car arriving at home he switches off his work and concentrates at home.
To no one’s surprise, reintegration with my technology was simple and easy it was all waiting for me upon my arrival. I am especially proud to say that my team not only survived but also flourished in my absence.

I’ll be In Brazil
The ultimate stay-cation
Call me silly but I’ll bet this could work into a techno free stay cation, the likes of which were started by my dear ol’ dad, Ed Levitch, who created the ultimate low cost technology free escape by letting everyone know he was going to Brazil for two weeks. (My adopted code phrase for signing off).
He returned triumphantly and exhilarated without ever having left the comfort of his own home. To anyone who asked he had a wonderful time visiting family and taking some well-deserved time off.
- Have you dared to sign off from your technology?
- Will you share a secret to something that works for you?
Your comments are welcome. To ask questions or get more information about remodeling, click here to email me directly, or call 208-947-7261
If you or someone you know is considering remodeling or just wants to speak to a trustworthy remodeling contractor please contact me, you’ll be glad you did.
Nice fish. Your memories of the Flying Pie Commodore reminded me of the times I sat in front of that computer of yours and updated the list of “Friend of the Pie ” and cute little red cars. Fun times but a L-O-N-G time ago.
40#er. (I feel sort of bad showing it off with all the Cecil the lion stuff going around) Wow that is crazy to think that we were ahead of our time. I disagree it wasn’t that long ago. Seems like yesterday, and yes I do remember that! Ah the good ol’ days. Have a great one yourself!