Remodeling is my passion. If you are interested in remodeling your home or happen to stumble upon my site, please refer me to anyone needing remodeling. You’ll be pleased you did. The original content here proves that it is easy to find stuff to talk about when you are passionate about something.
Behind the scenes at Levco
We are remodeling like mad, making homes work better for families.
There is an enormous appetite for remodeling in Boise at the moment. This fills me with joy.

Homeowners Insurance FAQ’S & Quirks Part #1
Back in the '30's and 40's the insurance world was referred to as the "insurance racket" It was likened to and most likely connected to the mafia which collected money very well but was reluctant to pay out. There were no rules or oversite, nowadays there is strict...
RV Woes: Navigating the Challenges of Garage Space
Garages have always held a special spot in my heart. From my Grandpa, Ben's garage under his house in the Sunset District of San Francisco to my Dad's company garage full of large woodworking tools. There just never seems to be enough room to store things and park a...
How Ventilation and Respiration Work In A Home
I have been a student of how houses work for a long time. I have seen them be awesome and I have seen them be poorly put together. I think as a remodeler it is part of my responsibility like any good practitioner to evaluate homes just like a physician or any other...