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Joe’s Blog

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This Blog is dedicated to the notion that remodeling is a fun, life long learning process.

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Remodeling is my passion, If you are interested in remodeling your home, or just happen to stumble upon my site, please refer me to anyone in need of remodeling.

You’ll be pleased that you did!

We are remodeling like mad making homes work better for families.

There is an enormous appetite for remodeling in Boise at the moment. This fills me with joy.

We just invested in some amazing technology and are reinventing how we use our Design Process.

 Inspirational Quotes

“Architecture is inhabited sculpture”. -Constantin Brancusi, sculptor (19 Feb 1876-1957)

“Surround yourself with people you love and have fun. The rest is gravy”. Paul Tillotson (1965 -2016)

“I love the smell of sawdust in the morning”. Me, renaissance man (8-28-58) –  Still going strong!

“Quality construction does not cost- it pays”   as seen on a bumper sticker

“Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining.”   Anne Lamott

“Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.” Albert Einstein

Lead Testing

Lead paint was located by pre-testing and during the demolition phase much of the stucco that had lead paint on it required removal. This was our first experience with stucco removal in a lead safe way. To accomplish this task we initially trained our new employees...

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Water Leak Repairs

The Challenge: We often encounter water damage problems that require immediate action. Some are acute and others are chronic. This one was acute caused by a braided steel  flex line from the water between two bathrooms that springing a leak. The owner responded to a...

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Kitchen Water Damage Repair

Kitchen Water Damage Repair

The Challenge: This is a home where the owners noticed some hardwood floor cupping on a Friday and called to set an appointment for Monday at 3pm. Upon our arrival the owners had heard a loud snap and greeted us at the door. The Idea: On removal of counter tops and...

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