Perspective from the Other Side of the Fence

by | Mar 11, 2020 | Levco Builders Process | 0 comments

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Hey Wilson…

Remodelers don’t get what it is like to have their home remodeled by others. We can only imagine what it would be like, then be empathetic and usually be on the defense.

Levco is dedicated to making the experience better all the time. It is hard for a client to measure what great remodeling is all about, because they rarely have had remodeling done by two different remodeling contractors. Each experience is unique. Referrals and repeat clients are the only measurement of success that we know. Making clients raging into fans is the goal here.

Remodeling is disruptive by nature. Setting expectations goes a long way. I say that we protect our clients from the Lions, Tigers, and Bears of remodeling. But we go further than that in so many ways; it is part of the fabric of Levco.

The Inside Scoop from Afar

A dear friend decided to be her own contractor in Florida. She is no stranger to the process, had a home built for her and had her home remodeled in Arizona but it was years prior.

Wilson was Tim’s confidant. He had amazing insights and willingly shared wisdom from the other side of the fence. Turns out it is my turn to be Wilson for my friend, and in doing so I get to reflect upon what is going on in my clients’ world and how it affects their experience. In her case, she decided to be her own contractor and had all sorts of subcontractors in and out of her home for several weeks.

The Things That Matter

  1. Understanding what is happening and when disruptions will occur
  2. Not getting wrapped up with excuses and explanations for shortcomings
  3. When complicated problems arise,  solutions need to be presented concurrently
  4. Workers never leaving without cleaning up after themselves
  5. Permits for third party verification
  6. Clear progress daily or regular communication about why there isn’t.

Call the shot

An Enjoyable Remodeling Experience

This is what we are shooting for. There I called the shot. That is leadership, I consider myself “QB1” and I realize that it is not too much to ask for. As Levco matures as a company, I experience the company culture being celebrated regularly. The guiding principles planted years ago are beginning to bear fruit, and there is a palpable swing of momentum from being reactionary to being creative.

We take all the lessons we have learned from both sides of the fence, and apply them to every project we undertake, to ensure a smoother and more pleasant, professional experience worth celebrating for all involved.

Your comments are welcome. To ask questions or get more information about remodeling, click here to email me directly, or call 208-947-7261

If you or someone you know is considering remodeling or just wants to speak to a trustworthy remodeling contractor, please contact me. You’ll be glad you did.

Disclaimer: Some of these images came from the WEB. If they are yours, and you object to them being used, please claim them and I will gladly remove and replace them at once.

Disclaimer: Some of these images came from the WEB. If they are yours, and you object to them being used, please claim them and I will gladly remove and replace them at once.

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