Should I Repair or Replace My Roof?

Should I Repair or Replace My Roof?

Reading Time: 4 minutesHow come we only think of our roofs in bad weather? At Levco, we find ourselves, as remodelers, replacing and repairing roofs on a regular basis. The toughest decision used to be, which one is the best option for my project. This is how we...

Remodeling Agreement With Attitude

Reading Time: 3 minutesContracts, or agreements as I like to call them, should be like a good pair of shoes. They should fit. Most general contractors start off with a buddy’s contract or something that came off the internet. Not that this is a bad approach, but...
What is Your Remodeler Reading?

What is Your Remodeler Reading?

Reading Time: 2 minutesHere is a sample of the magazines I read. Sure there is more to life than remodeling but there is no better way, in my opinion, to keep up on current events, best practices, and trends in the industry. Often, movers and shakers in the...
I’ve Got Those Big Box Blues

I’ve Got Those Big Box Blues

Reading Time: 4 minutesYes, I’ve got those big box bluuuuuues. How many of you can say the same thing? I even saw a TV commercial for something recently that was mocking them hard. What every town needs is an old fashioned hardware type store where the employees...