Busy Bees
As most of you are aware, we are experiencing a boom in the remodeling business. After a wicked winter and a slow start to the year, we were hit with a myriad of requests to repair Ice Dam damage, and then it was off to the races. Requests for projects out stripped our ability to get the work done.
Too busy to do a good job? No but too busy to give the individual attention to our clients that we are accustomed to. “When the goin’ gets tough, the tough get goin.'” This is my motto, and to the extent that I am uncomfortable, I know that revolutionary progress is just around the corner.

Helping hands
It became obvious that to get all the work done, we would have to rely more upon our trade partners to share the load. We were going to need to become better stewards of our resources. The most precious of these is time.
Trade Partners
Changing how we do things is never simple or easy, so moving to a less self-performed model is among our most difficult transitions yet. Taking the tool belt off (so to speak) has been a step up the food chain. I once heard that working on your business is like doing auto repair on a car while it is moving. As difficult as it is, there is no other way to make things happen at this point in time.
Trusting our trade partners has become a much more important part of our projects and our work model. Those who “get it,” and are responsible, are being called back for the next project. Those who don’t are “off the list,” so to speak. Earning a spot at the table is a model that seems to be working. Everything is evolving. We can no longer expect next day service and need to adapt to a more planned out process too.
What this all means to you
As your go-to contractor, we need to step up our game, and clients, too, need to be aware of the challenges we face in these busy times. As we dauntlessly protect you from the Lions, Tigers, and Bears of remodeling, lessons learned make us a stronger and more agile company. Planning is at the core of our responsibilities, and timing is everything. So bring it on, let us show you what teamwork and planning look like in the boom times.
Your comments are welcome. To ask questions or get more information about remodeling, click here to email me directly, or call 208-947-7261
If you or someone you know is considering remodeling or just wants to speak to a trustworthy remodeling contractor please contact me, you’ll be glad you did.