Each of us homeowners most likely has a code upgrade clause in our homeowners insurance policy. If not, get that insurance rider! It is worth every cent. The purpose is to have the home brought up to the current code if a disaster strikes (loss occurs) and rebuilding...
Remodeling is All About Relationships, Subcontractors
This is the first in a series of blog posts that focuses upon the many relationships that must be present and healthy in order to be a successful remodeler. I was being courted by yet another electrician over the internet through my contact page. Look at me! Look at...
The Remodeling Watchman
I fancy myself as a character much like Budman of circa 1970 Anheuser Busch "The Dauntless Defender of Quality" In thinking about what that meant, I realized that rather than being an overseer of the industry as if I am the best, I decided that I was more interested...
What is sweat equity ?
Do we really have to sweat? No, but it does happen from time to time. Sweat Equity is the labor that you want to bring to the table. We admire folks who want to work on their own homes. We understand that not everyone has the time, talent, ability, or tools. That...
All Advice is NOT Necessarily Good
I was at a supermarket that starts with an "A" near my home, when I caught the tail end of a conversation that made no sense. A woman was buying two large jugs of drain cleaner and the helpful perky clerk was singing the praises of a heating and air conditioning...
Kick Backs in Boise?
I was contacted to evaluate a neighbor's home for rebuilding after a recent toilet failure and flood. The home was new to them and they had fortunately bought a home warranty program that covers this sort of thing up to a point. While away on vacation, the toilet...