Remodeling is my passion. If you are interested in remodeling your home or happen to stumble upon my site, please refer me to anyone needing remodeling. You’ll be pleased you did. The original content here proves that it is easy to find stuff to talk about when you are passionate about something.
Behind the scenes at Levco
We are remodeling like mad, making homes work better for families.
There is an enormous appetite for remodeling in Boise at the moment. This fills me with joy.

Remodeling Photographic Documentation
As every contractor knows, pre-construction documentation is king. Getting imagery of existing conditions allows us to document where it hurts, it sets us up for post-construction documentation and how what the place looked like before we did our work. Pre-Photos...
What is Rebar and Why is it Important
IMHO Rebar is an essential component in sub-grade concrete construction. Rebar is the steel that is designed to be added to concrete to give it exponential structural strength. It's like Pizza & Beer. Sonny & Cher. Milk & Honey. or Cheese & Crackers....
Can You Get “It” Done Any Faster?
My staff is used to getting dogged about how fast, (or not) things are getting done, that anxious impatience is a normal reaction to the excitement of upgraded living spaces, it is also the sign that a schedule is, or is not being followed. As a contractor, I am...