What Remodeling Means to Me

by | Dec 21, 2018 | Levco Builders Process, Memoirs | 2 comments

Reading Time: 4 minutes


Tis the season for reflection and expressing gratitude. I recently saw a synopsis of what remodeling is all about: Service to Others, Value Creation, Attitude, and Goodwill. It was followed with a pointed question. What are you putting out there?  Whoa! The question stopped me in my tracks to ponder the idea of what we are all about here at Levco. It had everything to do with reviewing our core values.

Our execution of these values helps make sense of the surge in popularity of remodeling by Levco, and the confidence we have in our business model being a sustainable one.

Service to Others

In the world there are people who are fortunate. Everyone needs a hand now and again. It is up to us who have that hand, to offer it when we can. I know that the shoe will be on the other foot sometimes. I dedicated a huge part of my life to being there for others. I have witnessed and participated in some amazing acts of service. I continue to lead and participate in “Contractors Who Care” through NARI (National Association of the Remodeling Industry) my remodeling association. Then there is my “Pay it Forward” program, and  Sunrise Rotary which is expanding my ability to be of service worldwide. I am always looking to recruit others and encourage them to embrace service as well. It is the most wonderful feeling in the world.

Value Creation

Planting a seedling together

This is the secret sauce of remodeling. It means coming up with a plan that the client can visualize and solves their problems. If all goes well, we get to execute the plan. If the client can’t see the value in assembling the plan, then we don’t get to execute. We had a potential client recently that could not fathom that the project would cost substantially more than the sum of the parts. That is the way we make a living, I told him: we add value to the parts by putting them together in order of assembly by experts, and solve problems along the way, so that you can do what you do for a living.

Any fool could throw the ingredients together. It takes an artist to make the end product and the experience great. To the extent that this is understood, we are a good fit. What I do is not for everyone. Plenty of TV shows and big box stores are doing quite nicely by making remodeling look easy. It is not, I assure you. There are plenty of horror stories of DIY (Do It Yourself) projects that have gone south.

Our Core


We are proud of what we do. We solve problems and turn clients into raving fans of our business because we show we care. What we do is special and rare. There are many ways to accomplish the same task. There are just as many ways to screw it up. We approach our work as if we’re doing the project for our mothers.

This is the legendary gooey stuff that comes from hiring slow and right and firing fast: Being a family of folks working together and having fun doing it. Instilling the owner’s attitude into the company. That everyone knows what they are doing and why. That the guys with the experience are working in teams to share their knowledge, wisdom, tools, and tricks of the trade.


We realize that the job is not done when the last payment is received. We enjoy bragging rights about how we service our clients’ needs for years to come.  We are proud to receive referrals to our clients’ family and friends repeatedly. One client even sold her home because there are no more rooms to remodel! May our paths cross in the new year and allow us to remodel with and for you, or someone you love.

Your comments are welcome. To ask questions or get more information about remodeling, click here to email me directly, or call 208-947-7261

If you or someone you know is considering remodeling or just wants to speak to a trustworthy remodeling contractor, please contact me. You’ll be glad you did.

Disclaimer: Some of these images came from the WEB. If they are yours, and you object to them being used, please claim them and I will gladly remove and replace them at once.

Disclaimer: Some of these images came from the WEB. If they are yours, and you object to them being used, please claim them and I will gladly remove and replace them at once.

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  1. Jesiah

    Great post! Very thankful for our companies attitude

    • admin

      Thanks, It feels good to get it out there for everyone to see what turns me on about remodeling.


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