Who here likes to work for appreciative clients? I do!...I do!....Here is one way I've found to insure it. In a recent visit with a coaching Guru, I was able to come to the realization that nothing is perfect. Some find this comforting while others are freaked out by...
Remodeling Agreement With Attitude
Contracts, or agreements as I like to call them, should be like a good pair of shoes. They should fit. Most general contractors start off with a buddy's contract or something that came off the internet. Not that this is a bad approach, but they are often filled with a...
What is Your Remodeler Reading?
Here is a sample of the magazines I read. Sure there is more to life than remodeling but there is no better way, in my opinion, to keep up on current events, best practices, and trends in the industry. Often, movers and shakers in the professional remodeling world...
Why Are Contractors Prices so Wildly Different?
I was invited to do some specialty work in a business. Acting as a subcontractor to the owner, I had the opportunity to see others work. The contractor was rushing to install some materials and I noticed that what he was doing was wrong. The fellow I was working with...
How I Built a Loyal Following: Lessons in Support and Getting it Done
I have earned a loyal following over the years of folks that call for help or support and just say, "git-er done," much like me and my subcontractors. I expect a high level of attention to detail, a reasonable response time, fair pricing, and great communication. It...
It’s Not Just About Ingredients
I am always working my marketing mind around why one place is better than the next. Like why so many folks frequent one restaurant over another. At Flying Pie, we had folks ordering several times a week. Our goal was to "Make their visit the highlight of their week."...