Blog Archives


Levco Visits Marvin Windows

I was invited by Johnson Brothers to visit the Warroad MN. Manufacturing and headquarters of Marvin Lumber and Cedar Co. who is celebrating the 5th generation company that builds windows and doors. The trip was great and we had a memorable time touring the facility...

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Levco Teams Up With Brave Hearts

Levco has teamed up with Brave Hearts a non-profit veterans assistance program to help a recently disabled veteran make his home wheelchair accessible. From the moment we received the call from Wayne's sister June we knew that we would be a good fit. Tragedy struck...

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Planitar Visits Boise

Levco is an early adopter of some high-tech equipment typically reserved for professional photographers in the real estate world. After 4 years of using what I call my secret weapon, I was visited by 2 people representing the marketing department. With lofty goals of...

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Kindness Rules In Boise

I love a good story in fact I confine my news consumption to the Good News Network most of the time. This story is a continuation of one of my favorite parts about Boise. The Refugee Garden at CABI, 11 N Latah has had a tough year with the well water going off during...

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NARI Remodeled Homes Tour

Levco participated in the 2022 NARI Remodeled Homes Tour of Boise with 2 homes in a virtual way rather than open homes to the visitation. Our Levco Projects A Second Story addition using Bonus Room Trusses with a whole house remodel A whole house remodeling project...

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Levco Turns 17

Levco turned 17 on Cinco De Mayo in a small ceremony we celebrated another annual milestone. Reflecting I realized that I have accomplished so many things, I am truly blessed to be part of a great company of dedicated and talented people that gathered in this way to...

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Latest Projects

Whole House Remodel

Whole House Remodel

Whole House RemodelThe Challenge The property was occupied during design and the new owners were very occupied with their school aged children. Lots of deferred maintenance items had to be addressed. The Idea The home was purchased in advance of moving in with the...

Garage Remodel

Garage Remodel

Garage renovationThe Challenge The sagging roof caused be removed bracing over the years made it look like a sway-back horse. A chiropractic adjustment and some serious support were needed. Keeping with the historic look and feel of the garage was important. There...

Garage Addition for Woodworking Shop

Garage Addition for Woodworking Shop

Garage workshop remodel The Challenge One of the bays was already used for this shop and the other two for cars. The look of the structure was to harmonize with the home. The plans were drawn by others and were not correct.  Stucco work was a nightmare done a backup...

Aged home interior makeover

Aged home interior makeover

Aged home interior makeoverThe Challenge This home was built in 1955 it had good bones. The kitchen had been remodeled by a previous owner and half of the garage had been converted into a den/laundry room. The clients wanted to open up the kitchen, add another...