Taping & Texturing follows on the heels of installation of the drywall. It is the remnants of plastering and is all about getting the connections or seams and nails smooth then adding the texture that we want.When it is done right it blends into the background and...
Framing Is Under way
This is the fun stuff, At Levco we blast through the rough framing with gusto. Pat and his crew impressed us all by working in between storms to set the floor walls and trusses. It is a little known fact that framing techniques although similar have improved in recent...
Framing Tune Up
Framing in an older home is challenging to say the least. We study the existing conditions and make a plan of action based upon the new codes and structural knowledge of the materials that are available to us now. New metal connectors and straps help as well as...
Plans and Specifications
When the architect went to meet with the historic folks there was a funny interaction. As it was reported to me this map was pulled up and the guy asked Mr. Neifert to pick the historic district his house was in. After looking at the map for a moment he pointed to the...