Blog Archives

Safe Practices

What is a procedural pause?

Levco has not been bashful when it comes to lifting things that work from other industries to enhance the remolding experiences. This concept was adopted in 2004 by JCAHO the (Joint Commission Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations). In my former EMS (Emergency...

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Missing Gas Meter Protection

Commercial gas meter protection has become an issue in the treasure valley. Many meters have been installed in the region without the proper protection. Building tenants are being flagged by the fire department on their annual business inspections for a critical...

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Three to Go. One to Say No.

Three to Go. One to Say No.

I just stole a process from a different profession to use in my remodeling company. I've used it myself for over 25 years, thousands of times. Every time I took off in the EMS helicopter, we call it our responsive takeoff checklist, I just didn't see how it fit until...

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Ladder & Safety Issues Revisited

Ladder & Safety Issues Revisited

Anytime you are up over 6' off the ground all sorts of hazards make themselves apparent. OSHA has some strict fall protection training for construction which are good guidelines for homeowners everywhere. Use safety procedures when you are over 6' up. Ladder falls are...

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Working in the Heat

We here in Boise are always dealing with some sort of climactic situation. The joke is ... "if you don't like the weather, just wait a half an hour and it will be totally different!" We range from the one teens down into the negative double digits. Often it takes some...

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Latest Projects

Whole House Remodel

Whole House Remodel

Whole House RemodelThe Challenge The property was occupied during design and the new owners were very occupied with their school aged children. Lots of deferred maintenance items had to be addressed. The Idea The home was purchased in advance of moving in with the...

Garage Remodel

Garage Remodel

Garage renovationThe Challenge The sagging roof caused be removed bracing over the years made it look like a sway-back horse. A chiropractic adjustment and some serious support were needed. Keeping with the historic look and feel of the garage was important. There...

Garage Addition for Woodworking Shop

Garage Addition for Woodworking Shop

Garage workshop remodel The Challenge One of the bays was already used for this shop and the other two for cars. The look of the structure was to harmonize with the home. The plans were drawn by others and were not correct.  Stucco work was a nightmare done a backup...

Aged home interior makeover

Aged home interior makeover

Aged home interior makeoverThe Challenge This home was built in 1955 it had good bones. The kitchen had been remodeled by a previous owner and half of the garage had been converted into a den/laundry room. The clients wanted to open up the kitchen, add another...