The problem is apparent. There have been no viable tests for lead-based paint for contractors since October 2023, when we all got the Email from the EPA on November 2nd, 2023. In it, they calmly said 3M is no longer making Lead Test Swabs, and nothing has changed...
Have Your Tile Guys Gone Rogue? How do you know?
I just heard that there is a movement afoot that frightened me. I guess that tile guys are figuring out that they are not being watched so they are doing whatever they want. A nicer way of saying it is what they believe is the most profitable for themselves....
Safety Awareness Is King at Levco
We recently completed a 2-story remodeling project where in addition to the parents, two small children reside. We subcontracted the railing replacement for the project to a specialty company that does this sort of work and is very good at it. We met the owner of the...
The Levco Difference: Going the Extra Mile
I was recently involved in a couple of situations that ultimately had a happy ending, but it started from a place of confusion and distrust. It turns out that giving and getting thanks happens organically when the stakes are high and emotion runs wild. Where The...
Impending Structural Failure, Repair or Ignore ?
I have been struggling with a potential project for a month or so that had me worried. My mind was telling me that there must be a way to repair this old three-story building's patios, but my gut was saying the danger and risk were more than I was willing to take....
Help Me, I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up!
As I celebrate my last shift as a paramedic, now 4 years ago. I recall responding to a significant number of emergency cases where people have fallen. Some lived, some did not; others lived with disabilities. Most, in retrospect, would have been preventable with a...