While remodeling and creating a residential addition to a 100-year-old home, a dilemma arose around how to tie in the old roofline to the new line correctly. One way is to tie in the roof with new trusses in the addition, the other way is to hand stack rafters as they...
What is Rebar and Why is it Important
IMHO Rebar is an essential component in sub-grade concrete construction. Rebar is the steel that is designed to be added to concrete to give it exponential structural strength. It's like Pizza & Beer. Sonny & Cher. Milk & Honey. or Cheese & Crackers....
Can You Get “It” Done Any Faster?
My staff is used to getting dogged about how fast, (or not) things are getting done, that anxious impatience is a normal reaction to the excitement of upgraded living spaces, it is also the sign that a schedule is, or is not being followed. As a contractor, I am...
Solving Problems is What We Do
As a remodeling contractor, I am at my best in the role of problem-solver. This means that if you cannot solve them in a timely fashion, your cup overflows in a bad way. I am fortunate enough to have a great team around me that supports the goals of the company and...
How Can Remodeling Prices Be So Different?
The true cost of a remodeling project is typically more than you think. How can I say this with certainty? Because some of the costs are hidden. In fact, they are rarely known till the bloody end of the autopsy. The materials pricing used to be the most stable, it...
The Gears are Grinding Again
Remember learning how to drive a stick shift? I recall teaching the kids too, it just takes some time to learn. That poor Toyota Corolla, at least 3 brothers, and some of their kids learned on her. It is with that grinding sound ringing in my ears and no forward...